Friday, May 26, 2017

Saying Goodbye!

Sending Our Chickens Off

        On Thursday, all of our third grade classes said their final farewells to our baby chicks!  Students learned so much about life cycles from witnessing it firsthand.  While lots of students were thinking they wanted a pet chicken, they quickly learned that they require a lot of care (or they can really stink).

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Friday's Shelburne Farms Field Trip

Dear Families and Students,

On Friday we will be leaving RES at around 8:50 for Shelburne Farms.  We will spend the majority of our time outside near the lake and with the rainy weather forecast, please help your child dress accordingly.

Students will need to wear:
  • Warm layers
  • Hats and light gloves
  • Pants
  • Mud boots
  • Rain gear (no umbrellas)
  • Extra socks and shoes for after

Students will also need to bring:
  • Lunch from Home, no glass (or already pre-ordered RES lunch)
  • Snack (to eat there)
  • Water bottle

Thanks so much for all your support and cross your fingers for light to no rain!!


The Third Grade Team

Screenshot 2017-05-24 at 11.48.48 AM.png

Shelburne, Vermont, weather forecast as of Wednesday afternoon.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Live Streaming: 2017 Chick Hatch

Over the weekend, the eggs that we've been incubating since May 2nd will be entering their final growth phases and may be ready to hatch.  You can keep up on all the action over the weekend and next week LIVE by checking out the following links:

Miss Darby's Chick Cam

Mrs. Ayer's Chick Cam

Mrs. Ankerson's Chick Cam

We use "Ustream" which is also an app -- look for it in your online store!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hatching Chicks: Candling the Eggs

Today, our classes "candled" our incubating chicken eggs to check in on their development.   To candle the eggs, we hold a bright light up to the eggshell and take a peek inside to see the details of the embryo's growth and development.   When we candle, we are looking for a nice clear air cell at the larger end of the egg, veins, and an embryo.  If we look really closely, we might even be able to see the embryo move within the shell -- especially now that they are getting bigger and there is less room in the shell.

We are looking for three different kinds of embryos/eggs.

Winners are normally developing embryos.  You can clearly see the air cell on the right side of the egg.  The embryo is toward the left (the biggish black blog).  When we candled this particular egg, we could see clearly developed veins all around the shell and the embryo moved quite a bit.  We're expecting this egg (#25) to hatch.


This embryo stopped developing at some point in the last two weeks.  In this picture, there is a clear bloodline indicating that the development of the embryo has stopped for some reason.

This egg was never fertilized.  There is no embryo to develop.  The eggs we buy at the grocery store are usually unfertilized eggs. 

We want to take the quitters and yolkers out of the incubator at this stage because we don't want the eggs to crack/break in the incubator or get in the way of the hatching chicks next week.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Coming Soon: RES Scholastic Book Fair

RES is having one final school wide Scholastic Book Fair for the 2016-2017 school year. NOW is the time to stock up on great summer reads!

The RES Scholastic Book Fair will be open in Room 10 at these times:
Wednesday,  May 31, 7:15-8:15am & 2:45-5:45pm.

Thursday, June 1, 7:15-8:15am & 2:45-5:45pm.

Friday, May 5, 2017

An Opportunity for Parents to Spend Some Time on the Golf Course

     Do you enjoy spending time on the golf course?  Have you ever wondered what golf really is?  We need parent volunteers to make our day at Cedar Knoll Country Club both fun and successful.  You don't have to know anything about golf to help us out.  We need parents to chaperone groups as they take part in stations and parents to help supervise stations.  No worries, we will give you everything you need to run a station.

    Our trip is on Tuesday, June 6 with the rain date being on Thursday, June 8.

    Please email Marie Ayer at if you are able to help out on either of those days.  

Some Changes in the 3rd Grade Unified Arts Schedule

Starting next week, Barry Churchill, the golf pro from Cedar Knoll, will be at Richmond to help students with their swings!  Since he is only able to spend two short mornings a week with us for the month, we had to rearrange our schedule.  This will allow all students a chance to have his expertise in perfecting their golf swings.
Please look at the attached calendar,  especially as it pertains to PE times.  Students will need sneakers on their PE days to participate and should the weather cooperate, they will be outside for PE.  If it says “No Change” or their class is not listed, students can expect to follow their normal schedule.  We have gone over this in class and will also be giving them reminders.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

RES School Gear!

Welcome to the Richmond Elementary School Storefront. We are excited to offer this feature to our Richmond families this year. Your support through purchasing items on-line will benefit the PBIS Committee to help support school wide celebrations and a positive school culture at RES.

Please place your order by May 12 for spring delivery!