Thursday, January 4, 2018

Going West Celebration!

Going West Celebration and Project Sharing

Tuesday, January 9, 2018 from 8:15am-8:45am

For several weeks, third graders have been learning about Westward Expansion in the United States during the 1800s.  We've studied why pioneers chose to move west, the hardships and illnesses they faced on the trail and in building a new life, and how the lives of Native Americans were impacted by this expansion into their lands.   We've watched videos, read books, and even participated in a simulation of traveling the trail where, sadly, many of our third grade pioneers perished.

Third graders selected a topic to research further and have been creating a project to share this learning in Enrichment classes and in the classroom.  And, we're ready to share with YOU!  We hope you'll be able to join us in this open house sharing of our projects!  Come for a few minutes or stay for the entire's up to you!

Hope to see you next week!

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