Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Global Read Aloud 2015 #gra15 #grafiat


This year, our 3rd grade classes will be participating in a project called the Global Read Aloud.  This project will start October 5th and will run for approximately 6 weeks.  The idea behind it is very simple; teachers around the world read the same book aloud to their students and then use technology to share the reading experience with these other classrooms.  

During the project, our class will be reading Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt and connecting with students around the world who are reading the same book.  We will use technology tools such as Skype, Padlet and our team twitter (@RESGrade3) to facilitate these connections and conversations.  In fact, our first connection will be on Friday when we "Mystery Skype" with a 3rd Grade Team from somewhere in the world!!

Here's a link to a book trailer we watched about the book.  FIAT Book Trailer

We are very excited to connect with others, especially since more than 200,000 students are already signed up to participate.  This project will allow for our students to use technology tools in a meaningful way, as well as learn about other cultures, all while listening to a fantastic read aloud.  

If you would like more information about the Global Read Aloud, feel free to visit the website www.theglobalreadaloud.com.


  1. I would love to follow your blog. I am the librarian at an independent school in Marin County, California. Our fourth and fifth grades are reading FIAT!

  2. I have a class of excited #GRAFIAT readers who would love to connect via Twitter, Kidblog or Skype. Would you be willing?

