Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Superintendent Storyteller, Extraordinaire! #tcrwp

Last week, we were surprised to welcome Superintendent John Alberghini into our 3rd grade to tell us a story from his childhood.  In writing workshop, we're learning to use our "storyteller's voice" instead of the usual "news reporter voice" of our previous writing.  Lucky for us, Mr. Alberghini has lots of stories to share from his childhood growing up in Derby Line, Vermont.

We noticed that Mr. Alberghini used a funny lead in his story and shared a lot of information about the characters, mostly his sisters, Gina and Debbie.  We certainly remember which sister was the trouble-maker!

We're using Mr. Alberghini's story as a mentor for our own story writing, referencing it for the various pieces of our 3rd grade checklist and working to make our stories the best they can be!

Thank you, Mr. Alberghini, for taking time from your busy day to visit with us and support us in our writing!

And, thank you, Mr. Berry, for coming to our classrooms to video this story for our future use!

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