Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Familiar Sites for Working at Home

Here are some anytime go-to activities for students to work on while we are experiencing this school dismissal and distance learning.  Please reach out to your teacher if you need any help accessing these sites!  (We will likely keep updating this as we think of more lessons/activities.)

EduTyping:  This can be accessed via ClassLink or the "Student" section of the RES website.

Account ID:  cesuschools
Sign in with MMUUSD google account

eSpark:  Math and reading lessons, games and activities that we can tailor specifically to your child.  This can be accessed via Google Classroom.

Code.org: Online coding tutorials and "classes" available for free.  Many are able to be completed independently.  If you need a sign-in and don't remember it, check in with your teacher.

Other great websites:
Multiplication.com:  Also includes games for addition and subtraction.

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