Monday, March 23, 2020

What Does Maintenance Learning Look Like This Week

Dear Families and Students,

We know we are all trying to settle into a new routine for the next two weeks.  As teachers, we are working hard to learn all the ways we can access each other, our families and students through technology.  Please continue to reach out to us if you have any questions or any needs for your family.  We can work with you to help find the needed resources.  Together, we will get through this and be a stronger community!

The goal until April 6 is for maintenance learning for students.  That means we want to make sure students are still practicing all the skills and concepts they've been taught this year, but are not being required to do "new learning."  That'll start on April 6 (remotely) if we aren't back in school.  Everyone now has their learning bags and Chromebooks to access Google Classroom and other sites that students are already familiar with.

Here is an idea of how to use the materials in the bag and other programs, along with a sense of how much time to devote to each:
  • Cursive 10 min. a day (in bag)
  • Reading 30-45 min. a day (choice books already at home)
  • Word Study twice a week (in bag)
  • Math 15+ min. a day either through games (in bag) or eSpark
  • Check Google Classroom daily for updates from all teachers
  • Other Things to Work On: Flipgrid, Edutyping, and Listen to Class Read Aloud
Take care and stay healthy!
:) Marie and Tonya

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