Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Global School Play Day is coming! #gspd2016

Third Graders at RES are participating in the second annual Global School Play Day on Friday, February 5, 2016.  On this day, students will have an opportunity to PLAY -- all afternoon -- with board games, dolls, Legos, blocks, trucks, cars, racetracks, playing cards, empty cardboard boxes, markers, jigsaw puzzles, blankets (for forts), social games (charades, Pictionary, etc.) The only rule:  no electronics (except a board game that has an electronic timer, an electronics play kit, or similar).


Press Release from GSPD:

Last year, a small group of 6 educators, took action and created Global School Play Day after continuing to see things encroaching on play time for children. They did this because they were angered by the increasing number of schools eliminating recess for children. They were also inspired to take action by the TEDx talk, Dr. Peter Gray, who argues the case that today's kids do not grow up playing and this has led to increases in childhood depression, increased stress related issues and the highest suicide rates in history. Over 65,000 participated after only 4 weeks of social media promotion from those 6 educators.

This Year, over 131,000 (As of 1:00 on January 29th) have been registered by their administrators or teachers to participate in Global School Play Day.  Schools from around the world will stand together to say unstructured play for children is a vital part of their development.

Global School Play Day is for public schools, private schools, and homeschool families! Let's spread the word about the benefits of play. If anyone asks why you're doing this, just tell them, "...because kids have forgotten how to play!"

For more information or to interview a teacher involved Contact the GSPD Leadership -

email - Global School Play Day @globalschoolplayday@gmail.com

Twitter - @GSPlayDay


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